Editorial Policies
Aims and Scope
The Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) (ISSN:0973-0362) aims to promote the study of the interface of law and technology. The scope of IJLT includes both public and private law, with exclusive focus on technology law and policy. The journal carries scholarship in the areas of intellectual property rights, internet governance, information communication technologies, privacy rights, digital freedoms, media law and innovation, with an emphasis on a developing country perspective or a comparative approach that benefits the developing world.
Indexing and Referencing
IJLT is indexed with and included in the following research databases and repositories:
J-Gate E-ShodhSindhu
University Grants Commission - Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (UGC-CARE)
Open Access Policy
All articles published by IJLT are published under the Open Access model and are freely available in digital form on its website., immediately upon publication.
Users are allowed to read, download, copy and disseminate all articles for non-commercial purposes, without prior permission, and with appropriate citation information.
The journal adheres to the principles of Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Editorial Process
IJLT follows a three-stage review process for all submissions:
1. On receiving a submission, Chief Editor or Deputy Chief Editor undertakes a preliminary assessment of the manuscript to check whether the paper is of suitable length and falling within the Journal’s mandate. Submissions may be preliminarily rejected if the topic does not fit the Focus and Scope of the Journal. We aim to complete this first stage of the review process within 1 week of receiving a submission.
2. Two Editors from the Editorial Board will review each submission and either accept, reject, or recommend the manuscript for a second review, subject to changes. The Editors will review the manuscript for relevancy, language and grammar, novelty of thought, depth of research, and clarity and structure of argumentation. In case of a tie, the Chief Editor or Deputy Chief Editor will also review the manuscript, and will be the deciding vote. In case of acceptance, authors will receive suggestions from Editors on changes to be incorporated in order to improve the manuscript. In case of rejection, the authors will receive a mail detailing reasons for the same.
3. We aim to complete this second stage of the review process within 3 weeks of receiving a submission. Please note that a finding on the suitability of the manuscript in the second stage is not a confirmation for publication, and is merely a recommendation for peer review.
4. After the manuscript is accepted for publication by the peer-reviewer, one Line Editor will review the paper for citation, spelling, and grammar, along with feedback on consistency in style and tone, which will be sent back to the Author for confirmation before the publication goes to print.
Peer Review Process
1. If the manuscript is found suitable for publication by both the Editors in the second stage, it is then recommended for mandatory double-blind peer-review.
2. Two peer-reviewers with expertise in the subject matter will provide detailed feedback on manuscripts that have cleared the second stage of editorial review. Publication in the Journal will be contingent on authors incorporating these changes within the given deadline.
3. Only upon receiving an acceptance from the peer reviewer is the publication of the manuscript confirmed. The reviewer can recommend a rejection of the manuscript at this stage, as well, and the Editorial Board reserves the discretion to follow the peer reviewer’s recommendation.
Instructions for Authors
Click here for submissions for the Journal.
Click here for submissions for the Blog.
IJLT does not collect any article submission, processing or publication charges.
Copyright and License Notice
Authors contributing to IJLT retain the copyright in their articles but agree to publish them under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. The terms of this license permit third parties to freely copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to adapt, transform, and build upon the material for non-commercial purposes. The author agreement may be accessed here.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Click here to view the IJLT Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.
All articles published by IJLT are archived on its website, with permanent, unique URLs.. An archive of all published volumes is also maintained on the Internet Archive.
Authors are permitted and encouraged to post articles submitted to this journal on personal or institutional websites, prior to and after publication (while providing the bibliographic details of that publication).
Privacy Policy
Click here to view our privacy policy.
IJLT makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, IJLT, our agents (including the editor, any member of the editorial board, and any guest editors), and NLSIU make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by IJLT. IJLT shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising out of the use of the Content.